1. Bussiness Use Case Basic Functions:
    1. User Registration Function: email address/password/user_id -> not need, simplify to send email to user with token,
    2. fill in your email address, email will sent to you: URL with token -> full control of the post.
    3. Posting with image, -> CUD
    4. view the posts, -> R
    5. Fill in email addr -> generate tokenL 256-512, like jwt token( -> Auth2)
    6. an email sent to you: URL -> full control over the post,
  2. Capacity Estimationa and Constraints, zipcode: 46k -> 10 category each catogory -> 200 posts per day

    Peak QPS = QPS * 5/10

    QPS: app server - stateless -> elastic adjusting

    • write 5k -》 1 server(一般one server 可以handle 10k) -> 1D for write DB server
    • read 5k * 100 -> (50 DB server(QPS:10k) for read request if no Cache) 应该分开算,因为不同存储位置 Text each 2KB -> 1.4TB-》 Image/Video each 10KB -> Clodinary/S3

    client -> LB -> app server(stateless,elastoc) -> at least 1 DB_write -> at least 500 DB_read - > not SPF

  3. Architecture of the whole system

一般response 不列出来,default to have

  1. API Design

    createPost(userId, location, createdTime, expiredTime, content, title, imageUrls, contactInfo(phone,email) ) * we don’t trust anything from Client, like time. * should not provide the creationTime from Client, * we cannot allow the client to define the time, because it can be anytime defined by the client, * client can create anytime, * time should be generation by the server

    updatePost(userId, )

  2. DB Schema

    fixed schema? how about urls?
    Post related -> MySQL image -> S3, CDN Cache(data close to user, low latency, 10times fast)

  3. BottleNecks.

    1. Read QPS » Write QPS: 500k v.s. 5k, a. read from cache, memcache/redis -> read QPS 25k,(加了read Cache, readQPS可以减少90-95%) b. Craglist: pipeline store in the DB, pipeline store the they build a pipeline -> post -> static html -> CDN server generate HTML for each region every hour from server side, 1hour latency, how to handle update?

      read req -> CDB -> serve the static html page write req -> database -> only write to DB

      c. deduplication, from client side?

      d. data partition for each reagion? CDN

MySQL: 10k QPS for complicated Query for simple Query better

DynamoDB: infinitely horizontal scale, if you want to pay

JWT: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/70275218

  1. for: authorization

Authentication: verify who someone is, confirm identity

  1. what you know: password, security question or one-time pin, grants user access to just one session or transaction
  2. what you posses: mobile device or app, security token, digital ID card
  3. what you are: biometric e.g. fingerprint, retinal scan, facial recognition Authorization: verify what specific app/files/data a user has access to, verify the service

Authentication Server: https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-an-authentication-server/

To manage access control, an authorization server will issue access tokens to the client that lists what permissions the current user has. -> JWTs authorization process depends on authentication. Authorization cannot be granted unless the identity of the user is verified.


  1. HTTPS TLS end-to-end encryption
  2. password transmitted by HTTPS, and then hashed by server


  1. structural: Bussiness Case -> threshold/limit/constraints -> how many DB? how many replicas? how many for read/write DB
  2. -> Architecture,
  3. -> API
  4. DB Schema
  5. BottleNecks -> optimization, cache, pipeline?

读写分离 QPS:5k-10k 有一个DB, keep utilization under 50% 1 SQL server 500GB,

  • 3 for replicas master/slave DB, write to master, read from slave/backup/secondary DB

two threshold for scale

  1. from Data Size: -> 3 SQL server, *3 for durability
  2. from QPS: 500k read QPS -> 50 Server(each 10k)
    we take the max for these two threshold

API design -> rest, rpc, psudo code api不是重点

DB backup

如果没有很了解,不要太focus on details, suppose we have end-to-end encrption/Dynamo infinite scale service

要顺着面试官的思考来,比如面试官说不用user id

TB -> 1K->10k server