DDIA Chap3


-> Transaction, small data with CRUD small request; less data with CRUD bottlenack: locate data by indexing with low latency B tree -> LSMT

what’s DB?

  1. store data
  2. load data

Why index

  1. reduce seek time; from O(N) -> O(1)
  2. carefully select the index based on access pattern like read-write-ratio
    • multi-field index, order matters for performance/ look up path; e.g. (lat, long) -> RTree(Postgres), geohash (fieldA, fieldB) -> index large-cardinality field first

in-memory hashmap; y log-structured file on disk:

key byte offset
123 0
456 64

appending only; better performance

performing compaction and segment merging simultaneously

Further improvement:

  1. file format:

LSM Tree

  1. memtable: in-mem balanced tree
  2. memtable larger than the threshold; -> write to disk as SSTable
  3. read-request: mem -> most recent on-disk -> next-order segment
  4. background process: merging/compaction to combine segment files and discard overwrittenor deleted val
  • bloom filter for non-existing keys: fast lookup existence, can be false positive.
  • size tier or level compaction: how to handle crash?
    1. add write-ahead log; as memtable; duplication on-disk to restore the memtable.(WAL)

B Tree:

flat tree: 4 level -> 250TB data;

how to half-written record?

  1. WAL; when corruption; repair by WAL
  2. copy on write: copy both level -> modify -> swap; no cropped state better branching factor -> less level:
  3. more keys into a page
  4. keys on enough info

page can be anywhere on disk -> nearby layout

  • leaf page -> nearby layout(sequentail order on disk), no need to lookup from parent page;
B+ Tree:

more opt:


  LSMT B Tree
  sequential write; 10 fast than random write, higher write throughput  
  Tiered storage, frequent update lookup faster if in-mem cache, fast, o.w. slow
  better compression, less fregmentation tree -> fregmentation
  lower write amplification -> compact SSTable files, rather than overwrite several pages in tree COW, copy too much, amortized O(1), but 3 page copy in worest case
  compact process affecting ongoing read and write no background process, so perf predictable
  key in multiple space, additional complexity to transaction isolation  


  • Clustered index(all in mem) -> covered index(mix) -> only ref index(all in disk)
  • multi-colum index: geohash or other concatenated index, KD tree/R Tree
  • Fuzzy Search in Lucene


-> scan all table; how to improve the processing throughput. when fetching more than half of data, indexing is not that important.


data lake v.s. data warehouse

  • data warehouse well maintained, with indexewd; write by ETL(once a day), read-only from BA
  • data lake, more garbage, not well organized.$$


  • in data warehous modelling, star schema(snowflake schema): fact(transaction) table and dimension(entity) table star schame
  • fact table:
    • contains: 1. all the primary keys of the dimension; 2. associated facts or measures(quantity sold, avg sales)
  • dimension table:
    • Dimension tables provides descriptive information for all the measurements recorded in fact table.
    • Dimensions are relatively very small as comparison of fact table.
    • Commonly used dimensions are people, products, place and time. ref:
      1. http://www.dataintegration.ninja/loading-star-schema-dimensions-facts-in-parallel/
      2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20036905/difference-between-fact-table-and-dimension-table

why column storage is a better fit

  1. fact table contains hundreds of column, usually in OLAP, only need 4-5 of them
  2. OLTP store the row/doc/entity as one continuous process, very inefficient in OLAP access pattern(4-5%)
  3. wide column DB like cassandra and HBase are not column oriented storage.
  4. HDFS, Hive is column storage DB
  5. compression methid: What is Parquet?

columnar storage layout

Column Compression

column values bitmap for each possible value run-length encoding column compression

  1. additional row, needs to rewrite everything. -> O(N) very complex -> less write


  1. OLTP: a. user facing: huge amount of requests, b. only touch a small number of records in each query based on key c. storage engine use index to find data for the requested idx d. bottleneck: disk seek time
  2. OLAP(data warehouse) a. for BA, not by end users b. less query times, but each query demanding requires millions of records to be scanned in a short time c. compression: column-oriented storage d. bottleneck: disk bandwidth comparison