

each item is composed of one of more attributes hash attribute -> partition key range attribute -> sort key

Primary Key

Primary key uniquely identifies an item partition(+ sort key)

Primary key Uniqueness: In a table that has a partition key and a sort key, it’s possible for multiple items to have the same partition key value. However, those items must have different sort key values.

GSI(Global Secondary Index):

naive approch: scan with filter expression; scalable impossible-> latency+cost index as GSI; no need to scan

  • GSI parition key requires uniform data distribution
  • throttling: define RCU/WCU (read/write capacity unit),
  • WCU of GSI >= primary table of WCU, when replicate, write to main -> update on all GSI
  • write to main table result in a write to the GSI, doubleing the cost of writing
  • write to main table are eventually replicated on the GSI, usually very quick but no guaranteed SLA(Service Level Agreement)
  • race condition due to nature of eventually consistencty -> GSI can potentially return stale data, when update/delete on primary; do not retrival GSI as truth, may be stale./

LSI(local secondary index)

ForumPost Table)

  1. index within partition
  2. one sort key in one table -> several property to lookup
  3. LSI -> a certain attribute;


  1. can only define a LSI at table creatation time
  2. limited to 5 LSIs
  3. no extra cost

LSI v.s. GSI

needs to carefully pick the LSI/GSI performance matters! tradeoff by access pattern read heavy or write heavy LSI: fast write only one 1 partition read needs to fan out to all partitions

GSI: write into multiple partitions for each GSIs lookup very fast