where to allocate?

  1. 尽量放在stack上
  2. 每个goroutine有各自的stack
  3. 根据escape analysis的结果(can deermine the lifetime),如果不确定,object才会放到heap上
    Go prefers to allocate memory on the stack, so most memory allocations will end up there. This means that Go has a stack per goroutine and when possible Go will allocate variables to this stack. The Go compiler attempts to prove that a variable is not needed outside of the function by performing **escape analysis** to see if an object “escapes” the function. If the compiler can determine a variables lifetime, it will be allocated to a stack. However, if the variable’s lifetime is unclear it will be allocated on the heap. Generally if a Go program has a pointer to an object then that object is stored on the heap. Take a look at this sample code:


non-generational concurrent, tri-color mark and sweep garbage collector.