ref: MESI

MESI Cache Coherence

void foo_cpu0(void)
    a = 1;
    b = 1;
void bar_cpu1(void)
    while (b==0) continue;


a, b - shared variables
a - CPU1 cache
b - CPU0 cache
foo - CPU0
bar - CPU1

because of storage buffer

  1. cpu0 execute a=1, a not in cache0, a=1 -> storage buffer, send read invalidate
  2. cpu0 execute b=1, b in cache0, write b=1 to cache0
  3. cpu1 execute while(b), b not in cache1, send read to cpu0 to get the cacheline, cpu0 send read response to cpu1 with b=1, cpu1 go out of while
  4. cpu1 read a, a in cache1 is still 0, assert fail

  5. from step1, cpu1 receive *read invalida

write barrier for write: storebuffer FIFO write cache 保证写顺序的内存屏障发挥的作用是:把storebuffer变为FIFO的。只要storebuffer中有内容,之后的写操作都先写入storebuffer,而且按照先进先出的顺序写入cache;

read barrier for read: :处理Invalidate queue,把其中标记的cacheline实际置为无效

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